2020 was anything but ordinary. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic disruption, most small and medium businesses were lucky just to survive.
As we look ahead to 2021, the rollout of vaccination programs and the promise of a return to normalcy means that organizations are beginning to think strategically about their business models and operational processes again.
In our newest eBook, we highlight 11 ERP trends that will define 2021 and the ways businesses can take advantage of these trends to transform their operations for future growth and success. Here’s a look at a few of those trends:
1. Cloud Adoption
When the pandemic hit and workers across the world were sent to work remotely, companies that relied on on-premise business solutions to run their operations had difficulties accessing their systems. Companies that already made the switch to Cloud ERP, however, were able to manage operations remotely from anywhere at any time.
The pandemic forced many companies to pivot operations, cut costs and adapt to changing consumer behaviors and government-mandated lockdowns. With access to a Cloud solution, businesses could shift operations to cope with product, workforce and demand shortages. Even after employees return to work and consumer buying patterns become less erratic, Cloud adoption is expected to be the new normal.
2. Integrations with Smart Tech and AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created a huge disruption in the software market. It allows ERP vendors to improve their systems using tools that enable companies to improve operational efficiency with access to actionable data insights.
AI’s ability to distill massive amounts of data allows businesses to analyze buying behavior and adjust production or services accordingly, which will be critical for post-pandemic success.
3. The Importance of Mobile-Access
Today’s ERP users expect mobile functionality and access to critical business information 24/7. This accessibility means that staff both in the office and out in the field can capture and enter data wherever they are. A more accurate and convenient data capture process lessens the risks of errors and reduces production delay because of better collaboration. Faster access to company-wide information means quicker decision-making, more efficient workflows and increased profitability.
To learn more about the trends shaping ERP in 2021, download our eBook. If you’re interested in understanding how an ERP solution could work for your business, reach out to one of our consultants. NexTec Group has over 26 years of experience working with businesses across industries to select and implement solutions that streamline operations and manage growth. We’d love to show you what our systems could do for you.